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Starting Ink Stains Editing Co.

Updated: Nov 27, 2022

We're just getting started!

When I decided to begin an editing company, I had no idea just how much work it would be. I've never been so in awe of website creators in my life. Ya'll this has not been easy. I can read, write, and edit all day long, but creating a website, a brand, and content for social media has been incredibly time-consuming. But I am so proud to say that we are finally there. And I am so thrilled to begin helping writers to find their stories!

I am currently offering all types of editing services in addition to a research service. And every client will receive a complimentary writing guide written by yours truly.

I am truly so excited to begin this editing journey with you. Please contact me at any time!

Looking Forward

I am incredibly proud of the editing site that I have created, but I still want to do so much more! Eventually I would like to have a collection of digital downloads available for purchase; such as writing books and guidebooks. If that sounds interesting to you, please let me know!

All types of story editing and guidance

I am just getting started and I cannot wait to help you find your story. Let's do this!

Feel free to comment or message me. I'll be happy to discuss all things literary or offer any advice that I can. If you would like to purchase an editing service, please visit our 'editing services' page. Thank you!

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